It’s Nora’s ONE WEEK birthday today!! She is such a part of our family, such a treasured little being. She is celebrating right now by sleeping on my chest all curled up in a little ball. We love the rice crispie treats and brownies that were made in her honor today!

Today we went to Nora’s first pediatrician appointment. Ordinarily I am not crazy about the medical visits. I’m much more at ease being in the comfort of our home where we can focus on living in the present moment instead of worrying about what the future holds. Of course I want to do anything and everything I can to ensure Nora’s well-being, but while everything is going well at home, I’d just assume stay there basking in the sweetness.

Here is Nora on her way out the door this morning:


Let me first start off by saying that our first experience with a pediatrician just after Nora was born while we were still in the hospital did not go over well at all. Perhaps it was his inexperience with trisomy 18, fear of the unknown? I’m not sure what the problem was, but I am sure that no parent, ourselves included, appreciate being offered condolences on their living, breathing child that is very much alive! I won’t bother you with the specifics, other than to say the short visit was very upsetting.

The next day our sweet nurse Kate arranged for another pediatrician to pay us a visit. Dr. Reuter completely made up for the former pediatrician’s perceived lack of compassion. Here was a man who lovingly took my newborn daughter into his grand, gentle hands, held her close and softly stroked her tiny head full of dark hair. To this man, Nora was a baby, not a diagnosis. Instead of taking Nora into the adjoining room to examine her, he asked if he could examine her right there on the bed, that way William and IΒ  could both be present. My heart swelled with emotion and gratitude as Dr. Reuter proceeded to get down on his knees to get a better look at this sweetest of babies. He understood our concerns and took the time to answer our questions. He wanted to know all about our journey to that point with genuine interest and compassion. The comfort and love that emanated from this man was just what we needed. He was a true Godsend. As he left our room, we both got emotional, thanking God for sending Dr. Reuter right when we needed him.

The pediatrician we saw today, Dr. Bolling came highly recommended by Dr. Reuter, and rightfully so! He, too was another gentle, compassionate person and we are grateful to have Nora under his expert care. My reluctance on being there was quickly dashed after just a few minutes of conversation with Dr. Bolling. Nora’s PKU tests all came back normal, her weight is consistent with her hospital release weight. Four pounds, ten ounces!! And her heart is doing its job for the time being. We are, however, scheduling to have an echocardiogram done within the next few weeks to see exactly what her heart defect is. Right now Tetralogy of Fallot is suspected. No bad news, no pressure into making any immediate decisions, and hopefully no germs picked up. It was a very good visit!

Here are a couple more pictures of our little ONE WEEK OLD from today:



He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. (2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT)

Sorry for taking so long to update!

56 thoughts on “Nora – ONE WEEK OLD!!

  1. Never, ever apologize again for making us “wait”, please! You have given so much of yourself to all of us through your entries. We will always patiently wait; your family is priority #1….always; and I hope I speak for everyone when I say we couldn’t agree more. God is definitely sending you loving caregivers (and hopefully taught the original doc something (albeit at your expense). Happy to hear that lil Miss Nora’s appt went well. PATIENTLY awaiting your next entry. May God continue to bless you all!

    • I concur with Denise. We LOVE your posts and each one is like opening a Christmas present but your family comrs first! We just wait, pray, and keep checking back for new pics of that precious, amazing, miracle πŸ™‚ You all are so loved!

  2. This is so amazing! Unfortunately, I know all to well of the HORRIBLE attitudes doctors and nurses can have and I’m sorry that you all were exposed when the correct attitude should have been joy and encouragement. I am so glad that God has blessed you all with intelligent men that also have compassion and can help guide you and see to it that Nora gets the best medical care.

  3. Hello Yusko family – I’m Lauren Mullins’ sister and we’ve met a few times (I think at Lilly and Greta’s bus-stop) πŸ™‚ I’ve been following your blog since I saw it on Facebook and just wanted to let you know our family is thinking of you.

    Although our story is very different from yours, we too have experienced many of the same emotions in dealing with Aiden’s diagnosis at birth and the medical journey he continues to face. So happy you found a doctor that you are comfortable with and that treats Nora like a child and not a science experiment. It can make all the difference!

    Congratulations on your sweet blessing. She will continue to touch the lives of many and we will keep you guys in our prayers.

    Take care ~ Taryn

  4. She is perfect! She has taught me a lot. So has your complete amazing journey, truly special. Keep being the strongest family I have seen thus far!

  5. I don’t know your family, saw this blog on a friends page and started reading the blog and am now following it! It brought me to tears when reading an watching videos that were posted but at the same time I was in awe! God is truly amazing and he is taking good care of baby Nora and your family as well! Nora is beautiful!! God bless you guys each day that comes!

  6. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your families story of this time in your life and of your precious new little one, Nora. Your honesty, faith, strength, and courage are a testimony to me and many others. You may never know how your story has touched me (on one of those nights when sleep evades me) or the struggles that I am going through, but that is okay. God knows! Tonight he has used you as one of those “rocks in the waves” that I can hold onto, as a way to remind me that He IS there and WILL see me through. You, your family, and Nora are a witness to God’s presence, grace, mercy, love and miracles. God’s blessings to you all.
    Shawn Lachat

    • Shawn,
      I have never met this family as they are a friend of a friend but this story and their faith and seeing God’s hands so clearly in all of this has greatly encouraged me on many nights as I have been going through some tough stuff as well. I even felt guilty a couple of times about being encouraged because if this very trying road they are walking on but the “Prophet to the nations” post sealed the deal that God is clearly working through Nora, her Momma and family to touch countless lives. Love this family and this baby! I will say some prayers for you as well.

  7. Happy one-week Birthday to beautiful baby Nora!! Dr. Bolling is a wonderful physician-glad he is taking care of Nora. What a precious baby girl!!

  8. I am so glad to hear the positive comments about Dr. Jack Reuter. He is a dear, kind man who I have worked with a long time. He has had his own health struggles. You deserve to experience his compassion and positive support. Chris Bolling is my children’s pediatrician and I could not recommend a better doc. He is an awesome physician and wonderful person.
    Stay strong sweet little Miss Nora! Love surrounds you!

    • Aleisa, Caroline is AWESOME!! She is a neonatal nurse practitioner that I worked with at Jewish. She is incredibly knowledgable and kind to the largest degree, not to mention, spit your coffee out funny (right up your and William’s alley). She is right… she did teach me a tremendous amount. Anyway, I am messaging you her cell number. She said you can call her anytime for anything you may need… neonatal perspective, emotional support and love… and I guarantee, she means it!

  9. We too started reading your blog through a friend. Although we do not know you, your story has touched us and the hearts of our children, who have been offering Nora Rose up in our evening prayers. My teen, upon hearing that yesterday was her 1-week birthday, shouted triumphantly “Take that, doctors!” Thank you for sharing your miracle with us.

    • We also don’t know you but are following closely and praying for you!! What a triumph!!! And I LOVE Chris’ sentiments of “Take that, doctors!” πŸ™‚

  10. Yes, Happy One Week Birthday, Nora! I did a bit of reading on Trisomy 18, and her birthday is a big deal! Yeah! She truly is beautiful. πŸ™‚

  11. 1 week already!? time is flying.
    I love that she is doing well – defying the odds. That’s what you call a MIRACLE!
    I love what you said, she is a baby not a diagnosis … even doctors can get that mixed up which is heartbreaking and a big reason why parents are lead down the wrong path. we really do have to pray for our doctors!
    Aleisa, you and nora are so beautiful. thanks for keeping us posted on your sweet babe. you are still very much in my prayers and the prayers of 1heart2souls! PLUS… everytime i get on facebook there are about 10 people everyday sharing Nora’s story … how ’bout them apples!? She is touching so many people!

  12. So glad Nora is doing well, I believe all the prayers for her are being answered. Dr Bolling was my boys pediatrician when they were young, he is a wonderful compassionate doctor. God Bless.

  13. I love all your updates, long and short! Happy Birthday to your precious miracle and may God continue to bless you and your family with the people you need at the right time. Your little peanut is clearly an inspirattion to all.

  14. As I don’t know you personally I have friends that do! My husband, daughter and I are praying everyday for your family and your beautiful little miracle! God works in mysterious ways, I have have faith in the plan he has for!!! Prayers always!!! Kelly

  15. I can add an amen to all the comments others have made today. I offer to you also – Happy Birthday, sweet little one. God is truly using your family in this wonderful walk of faith. I only know you through the facebook comments that Paula has put on. You have provided a real ministry to me and my prayers are with you and your family. God is truly being glorified through your little prophet.

  16. Your story was shared by one of my friends. I am continuing to pray for your family and your miracle baby Nora. She is So beautiful. With god all things are possible. Thank you for sharing !

  17. Happy 1 week birthday miracle girl! I’ve just learned about you and your precious family. You will be in my prayers daily!! Here’s to many more birthdays for you! Much love from Rome, GA.

  18. What a blessing it is for you allowing all of us to follow your lives and you sharing your beautiful daughter and family with us. Every post I read brings tears running down my face, but they are tears of happiness. I am so thankful she is doing so well and she is so loved. God is good and your posts has made a lot of people realize it. Please know your family is in our hearts, thoughts and prayers! ~~Happy 1 week Nora!!!

  19. I found your blog yesterday that someone had shared on facebook and was untrigued. I read the entire thing and will be keeping up with your posts.
    My daughter was born with mulyiple medical issues. We were told that she would never survive and if she did she would never walk or talk.
    God had different plans for het. She turned 18 on March 11th. She is on honor roll in her jr year of high school and recently got her drivet’s license.
    I remember this early days so clearly. How would she die? Would I find her? Would someone else be with her instead of me? Why did she have to suffer thru all of this?
    And whrn I read the part about God using Nora to draw people to him, it was the same for Kinsley. Strangers on the street always recognized her from pics or from someone telling them about her. Then they would tell me how they were praying for her or how thier church was praying for her.
    She still has major health issues, is a wheelchair and just had one major surgery in Dec and will have another one in June.
    But she is still blessing those around her every single day!! She has the sweetest and most generous personality. She is definetly an earth angel.
    I would live to share her story with you but I know you have your hands full at the moment.
    And just like our normal healthy children, we have no guarantees of how long we will get to keep them. They are all on loan from God until thier work is done. All we can do is love them as best as we can for as ling as ee have them.
    That was the promise I made to my daughtet the momeny ahe was placed in my arms. I met her for the first time when she was 4 weeks old!!! She is adopted. And has brought more love and joy to my family than I could have imagined.
    God bless you and your family on your journey!!!

  20. Happy 1 week old!
    I do not know you, but I read this entry and felt compelled to read more. So I did. You are a phenomenal Godly woman and I pray for you, for your husband, your son, and both of your beautiful girls. Your strength is awe inspiring and your faith in the Lord is something that everyone should aspire to. I cant express to you the affect your story has had on me thus far, but it is a grand one. I will continue to read and learn. As a 22 year old kid (well basically) I know i have a lot to learn and you have given me inspiration to learn it
    Thank you a thousand times for sharing your story

  21. What a beautiful blessing baby Nora is! We think of her and the Yusko family daily and you are always in our prayers! Happy one week birthday, sweet Nora!!!

  22. Happy Birthday, Precious Nora! God has already given you the gift and talent of making smiles mysteriously appear on so many faces…and so many hearts! You are loved…and so is your wonderful family!

  23. Happy one week celebration for Nora and her very special family! I have tears of joy for you all and enjoy reading your blog the comments that follow it.. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Nora is such a precious & beautiful child. Love all the hair!

  24. a friend told me about your blog and when i saw her name i had to read. we have four children, all with an N name, and had we had a fifth child it would have been a Nora! we have nathaniel, natalie, nicole and nadine. all our love to Miss N from her friends in the Kentucky Bluegrass! πŸ™‚

  25. Dear Mrs. Yusko & Family,
    I came across your blog from my friend on Facebook, & your story has changed my life forever. Your ability to stay strong when such a tough situation arises is truly amazing. Even on your darkest day you still were able to hold yourself together. Your compassion, faith, and strength is truly inspiring to a mother like myself. I am currently pregnant with my third child, 14 weeks today. It scares me so much knowing that a normal, healthy pregnancy can turn from perfection to turmoil at any given second. I try not to worry so much, but being a mother that is nearly impossible. Your daughter is truly a blessing, a miracle, a prophet making herself known to the world. I have never been into praying much, but after reading your story I have prayed evey night that our Lord keeps your daughter safe and sound. Losing a child is every mothers nightmare, I myself know all to much what that feels like. I truly wish the best for you and your family in your time of need. I will continue to pray for Nora, and your family, and continue to follow your story and hope that all goes well with.
    Samantha Marie

  26. Happy Birthday 1 week and 1 day Baby Nora. Such a JOY you are to your family and to the extended world too. I wish many special days ahead. I know there is no other family as yours who knows how to make each day count and to take what the day brings to you. Thank you for sharing Nora’s story before birth and every day since. We all have much to learn from you. My heartfelt wishes to you. We pray for your family everyday. Hugs to all.

  27. I am in such awe of the very presence of God in every step of this journey! God knew just the right dr you and sweet Nora needed! Praise Him for all the wonderful blessings, that including the sweetest blessing of all Nora!!!

  28. I live in Guatemala and I read about her miraculous birth. The photos were so real and very moving. Now we get to enjoy seeing her grow up and such loving Godly family. Thank you for being so “naked” before the World and displaying the Glory of the Lord through your journey. My blessings to you all. What a family!

  29. ur story touched my heart and ur baby girl is beautiful. i have a very dear friend who lost her son at birth to trisomy 18 so it touches me to see someone who is beating it πŸ™‚

  30. Hi Aleisa —
    Nora is beautiful and I have been praying for her and your whole family daily. Emily was looking at the pictures of Nora on here with me earlier and kept saying, “AAWWW — Greta’s baby sister is so adorable!” Dr. Bolling is great — caring, knowledgeable and compassionate. Pediatric Associates has several exceptional doctors and a great support staff.Take care.
    The Pack Family

  31. Thank you Lord, for putting the compassionate Doctors in their path and making them a beautiful part of their journey. And thank you for BEAUTIFUL Nora and for healing her heart completely. In your name, Amen.

    I love her to pieces!

  32. Saw your post on a friend’s wall and Dr. Bolling was the first pediatrician to see my daughter, who was a premie and had gastroschesis (intestines, stomach and ovaries on the outside instead of in)….I thank God for his knowledge and compassion and I’m grateful that he has been put to work in the life of your baby girl….you are all an inspiration. God Bless You.

  33. Its inspiring to seeba true,humble.woman of god sharing her stories of gods grace and mercy with the world. You are an inspiration.

  34. Hi…you don’t know me but I’ve been following your blog after a friend posted it on her Facebook wall. πŸ™‚ I think of Nora and your family so often and absolutely loved reading your description of Dr Reuter and his kindness. I know how much that would have meant to me if I were in your situation. God bless you and may God bless Nora.

  35. Thank you for your journey with all of us. It is an inspiration and makes me re-examine priorities. God works in mysterious ways and I to can see him at work through your precious daughter. I am so glad you met Dr. Bolling. He is wonderful! Another piece of the puzzle God has in place.

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