Nora – 6 Days Old

It is a beautiful sunny day from inside our cozy house, although it looks a little chilly and windy out there! Little Miss Nora is tucked away on me, sound asleep. Her bare little bird legs are toasty warm all curled up on my “popped balloon” belly skin. She makes contented little baby sounds from time to time. I love her so much it hurts!

Here is today’s dose of cuteness – lots of fun in the sun today:




Yesterday and so far today everything has been going really well. A couple of times yesterday and once today Nora took to breastfeeding!!!! I was crying happy tears to be given that opportunity. I had pretty much given up any hope of that when her feeding tube was put in. God never ceases to amaze me through this fragile, but mighty little infant. The only difficulty with breastfeeding is that we’re not sure exactly how much she’s getting and it seems to really wear her out. It sure is precious though!!

A Bible verse was brought to my attention again this afternoon.  Jeremiah 1:5.  It is the same Bible verse that we chose for Nora’s gender reveal cake. We left off the last part of the verse because it didn’t really seem to apply at the time. I read this verse again and couldn’t even read it out loud without getting choked up over the last part:

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NLT)

Over these past few days I have received countless emails, blog comments, and FB messages, many from complete strangers all over the world: Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, maybe more? (If so, I’d love to hear from you!). I am floored to see 762 Facebook shares on my blog the other day, and an average of 20,000 hits each day on the blog since the day Nora was born! That is just crazy awesome, people!!!!

The common theme among most of these beautiful comments is a renewed faith in God, a new perspective on God, on life and on what REALLY matters in it. There are people praying right now for Nora who “don’t normally pray, but…”. The notes about all of the children who are praying, it brings such tears to my eyes!! All of these sentiments hold true for me too. I have learned SO MUCH about God and his mysterious ways along this journey. If ever I come across as having it all together, and all spiritually figured out, I can ASSURE you that is not at all the case. I learn something new everyday, and I have to share it when I do!!

Through this blog, Nora has been appointed as a prophet to the nations, and to her Mommy and Daddy! She has touched so very many lives just simply by being born. I realized very early on that there was just no easy way “out of this”. Yes, I was given other options that may have seemed like an “easy out” – but was it really?  Look what we, ALL OF US would be missing out on!! I must be the luckiest person in the world to get to cuddle day and night with this little miracle, a tiny prophet to the nations.  Thank you, God!! Thank you, Nora!! And thank you to all of you who have shared with me how Nora has affected your life. I am forever humbled and grateful.

“Not compatible with life” … More like “Compatible with many, thousands of lives!”

P.S. Check out Melanie’s blog 🙂

83 thoughts on “Nora – 6 Days Old

  1. Hi, Your baby is beautiful. I just came across your story today and wanted to share too. A friend of mine at work gave birth almost 4 years ago to a T18 baby with heart defects. She sleeps every night with oxygen but she goes to SCHOOL!! She laughs, she wiggles and dances to music, and she makes everyone around her understand why she was born. To teach us. She is a teacher. She is gives us so much joy and she receives it as well . Her parents have great faith and our trying to spread her story. You can fine her on youtube;Carly’s story. And my friend on FB is Deborah Amodeo. She would be of great support to you if you need it. She faced all the uncertainties you are facing right now: first that Carly wouldn’t be born, wouldn’t live an hour, a day, a month, a year. Well, she is almost 4!! You just have to take it one day at a time and pray and love her. XXXXXXX

  2. i have so loved following this beautiful unfolding story of precious Nora… i am listening now to Matt Hammitt’s ‘All of Me’…you’ve probably heard it…a song that reminds me of my own journey with one of my daughters (now a sweet 14 =) and certainly reminds me of the two of you…praying for Nora is a privilege…May God be the lifter of your head every day and give you both (and your family) grace and strength…thank you for the lovely pictures and posts…


    P.s….i had a question regarding one of your recent posts…is there an email i can send it to?…thank you!

  3. This is hard to wrap my human brain around. Can I babysit when you get calls from the Today Show and CBS This Morning. I am going to keep asking. Love you, amazing Yuskos!

  4. Beautiful story! I was once told that God only chooses the best flowers to take from this earth, I pray for u and your family and Baby Nora….God has given her to u for a reason, u must be wonderful parents for him to have blessed u so….my prayers r with u

  5. Each day I log on to see these beautiful updates. Love all the pictures of beautiful Nora. Continuously praying for you and your family. Lots of love from CA!

  6. I want to come help Kate babysit too! Of course she needs my supervision because she learned all she knows from me!
    God bless you Baby Nora and Yusko family

  7. I nursed a premie (35w, 0d), and he too would become exhausted from breastfeeding. NICU nurses and lactation consultants told me to let him nurse for a 10 minutes, then use the feeding tube. 🙂 All our best to you and sweet baby Nora…

  8. Yeah God’s so groovy like that! Amen. Love Jeremiah. Hope 🙂 Chloe will be home from softball practice soon & will ask, “let’s see what’s up with Nora!” Love to you all.

  9. I am in tears here. Thank you Thank you Thank you for choosing Nora’s life 🙂 I am a mommy to 3 and I was “born” again 5 years ago on Easter when myself and my 3 children were baptized and welcomed into our church!! I am in just awe of all the wonders that God does for us. Thanks be to God for my friend posting your story. Much love to you and your family and please give Nora a hug from us, The Z Family in Missouri.

  10. Our daughter Lauren, who is in 1st grade, has to read aloud every evening. Tonight I had her read this blog post with me. My hope is that Lauren can begine to understand God’s grace through your words here. May God continue to bless you and your family abundantly.

  11. We are so amazed by this journey that God has put you on. Our family has been praying for you daily and our children ask about “Baby Nora” every day and sometimes multiply times. I am honored to read your journey. You are such a strong women. Love to you all.

  12. I love your blogs! I check Facebook continually to check for an update. I know you must be extremely busy, but please don’t stop 🙂 Nora is amazing!! I pray for you all daily!

  13. This is so beautiful, I could hardly get through it from crying so hard. My son and daughter n law just a few weeks ago got the final word that Harrison James has Trisomy 18. She is in her 7th month, we too, pray that he make it and be born alive. We do not believe in abortion either and have a strong faith in our Lord. I am thankful there are people like you to give us strength and encouragement.

  14. Don’t even know you… but am thoroughly touched to every inch of my heart by your story. Enjoy every sweet, tiny minute with her. We are praying for strength for Nora and plenty of special moments and time for you. Be well:)

  15. I just love you, Aleisa! AND I love your husband, because he is everything a husband and father should be. I love Gavin and Greta because they have your sense of humor, sweetness and silliness, and I love Nora for all the reasons you have written about. Thank you for allowing me to walk this road with you. I told you when she was diagnosed that I hated the term “incompatible with life”. Says who? She is anything BUT incompatible with life. Keep it up sweet Nora! We all love you!


  17. You can add The Republic of Ireland to your list! Thank you so much for sharing Nora Rose’s beautiful life through your blog. A friend of mine posted a link to the photos of her birth on fb and I was just floored with emotion. I was crying and laughing and musing at how God’s powerful grace is at work in all of our lives through the life of your precious daughter. Nora’s story is particularly poignant fo Ireland at the moment as the topic of abortion here is currently being debated yet again. The right if the unborn child is, unusually and amazingly protected by the Irish constitution. However the state is now under pressure to amend the constitution to provided for “medical” abortions in cases such as Nora’s. There have been many stories in the media recently of very sad and angry mothers who were forced to travel to England for an abortion when they too heard those terrible words “incompatible with life”. I can’t imagine what they or you have experienced since hearing those words. However your family has inspired me, and so many others, I am sure, to know that each life is precious and planned by Our Farher and full of purpose an beauty in His time. I will be praying for you all and checking your blog in between looking after my own 4 little children. God bless you and little Nora Rose. We are sending lots of love and prayers from the Emerald Isle!

    • Wow…The decision makers should read Nora’s story from the beginning. Aleisa understands and writes about the emotions associated with the diagnosis. She also knows that we are required by God to carry our children to term. Even if they dare exist with an extra chromosome. We weren’t given the authority to take lives. I wish nations would wake up to that fact. I have to believe that Nora can help.

  18. Nora’s story has touched me in a manner that is inexplicable to me. In the past week, this precious little being has brought so much soul searching, crying, and praying to my life. As I type, I fight back the tears that flow throughout the day whenever I think of Nora Rose and her special journey. Thank you for sharing your story with us–total strangers. I am one of many who have come to love you, your family, and of course, Nora Rose. This verse from one of my daughter’s favorite childhood books comes to mind. “HE designed me with Special talents, gifts, and abilities you see, To let me know that HE has something Special in mind for me.” Nora Rose is truly this: “Designed by God So I Must Be Special.”

  19. I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooo in love with your little prophet. And your family amazes me!! I’m so glad that you chose to carry her, and I’m tickled to pieces that you have the precious time you’re getting to spend with her!!! I hope this testimony is shared with many doctors, and I wish that the option to terminate wasn’t even an option. I truly believe I would have done the same thing, and carried a baby to term if I were given the same diagnosis. I remember with both pregnancies, they offered fetal/genetic testing and I would always be like, Why?! It doesn’t matter, I’ll love this litte being, this little being with all I have NO MATTER WHAT!) I can honest, I look forward to your blog post every day, and I’ve been praying for you, Nora, and your family, and peace for all of you!! Nora should be named the next Saint!!!!!

  20. I really hope you read the comments, because I would love to get in touch with your family. My wife and I are expecting July 7th, and the doctors have told us our son has been diagnosed with Trisomy 18 as well. We have known about this for a month now, and the emotions have been crazy.

    My email is . If you get a spare moment, I would love to talk with you all. Just know Nora and your family have entered my prayers, as of the prayers of the thousands praying for us and our situation. Our God is a great God, and He has a purpose for Nora, and for our son Harrison.

    God Bless,
    The Mummert family, James and Emily

  21. One of the delivery room nurses asked our entire church yesterday to pray for NOra and your family. God works in mysterious ways. I know he has made himself known to our family when we really needed him. Good Luck!

  22. Hello beautiful Nora from Elmira, Ontario, Canada!! I am so happy to meet you. You truly are a miracle. I’m so glad you’re at home with your family and enjoying this wonderful thing we call life. I am the mother to a little girl named Kate who has Angelman Syndrome. We are on vacation and just met a beautiful 3 year old girl yesterday at the resort pool. This 3 year old girl has Trisomy 18 too. She’s THREE! She’s healthy and thriving and living proof that no one has the right to decide the value of another’s life. You have very smart and loving parents, little Nora. Sometimes moms just know best. Your family has every right to be hopeful. We are all cheering you on! Best wishes always, love Kelly

  23. Your baby girl is gorgeous and please know that I am praying for her not only for her health, but peace in your hearts that you have done the “right” thing by allowing God to place her in the world and let her little light shine for all of us. I saw your birth story and tears just kept falling. I remember that moment when the doctor placed my son on my chest and all of those emotions that flooded my heart and soul. I am so glad you are getting to spend these moments with your angel here on Earth! God bless you!

  24. What a beautiful sweet girl little Nora is. Your story is an inspiration & so amazing. There certainly seems to be some kind of otherworldly power going on and bringing so many people together to celebrate & share in her beautiful life. Hugs from Kansas City!

  25. I just came across your story on FB, you have a strong,beautiful, inspiring, amazing little girl on your hands. God Bless her, God Bless your family. You’ve inspired me to really put the effort in to returning back to church. I will fully admit with a 2 year old and a 4.5 month, I made excuses. . . no more, shame on me. So, thank you.

  26. Jeremiah 1:5 is the most amazing scripture. We chose it for Alex and I continue to think about it on a regular basis. As I have mentioned before the amount of people coming together in prayer for Nora is amazing. I have struggled with my own faith since we lost my sweet Alex (as you know) but Nora is helping me come closer to God again. She has touched so many lives and helped so many of us that I believe she was chosen as a Prophet to speak out as Jeremiah 1:5 says. What a sweet, sweet blessing you have! Just know that you can call me anytime, day or night if you need to!

  27. Saying a prayer for your family and little Nora. May God continue to use her to touch many lives. Thank you for sharing her with all of us! God Bless!

  28. This is one of the most incredible things I have ever read in my life! Sweet baby Nora….a prophet to the nations…and to me…..who can understand the ways of God??? Much love and continued prayers,

  29. A lesson I’ve learned as an intensive care nurse is that God is not a God of percentages, mortality rates , or chances!!! He is a God of HOPE, mercy, and love!!!

  30. Aleisa, you and William are not just sharing your lives with all of us, but you are sharing your hearts. WOW! You guys are SO special!! Thank you, thank you. See how it pulls people together…The world needs much more of this. We continue praying for all of you and especially for little Nora.

  31. I have loved reading your story, my friend Emily turned me onto your blog (she has a Nora as well with Down’s Syndrome). I am also a mother to a Nora! 🙂 After not being able to have a second biological child we turned to adoption and after many, many conversations we prayed that God would send us the child we were meant to have. Days later we got the call for our miracle Nora. Only God’s great plan could have given me my African American princess – a child who looks nothing like me but is every bit of my heart! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and beautiful child with all of us. Every day is a great day for a Nora! 🙂

  32. I don’t know your family, or should I say didn’t before Nora because I now feel as if I do. I have been brought to tears many times by te story of this little angel and the miracle her life is. I teach high school students and shared Nora’s story and a piece of your blog with them in prayer today and as I looked out at my class of teenage girls I could see it in the faces and they the tears some had been brought to that Noras story was just what some of them needed in their lives at that moment. As I sat down and read tonight’s blog I realized this is just the word I needed as well. It is amazing truly how God speaks to us and how God has used the life of this beautiful little miracle to touch so many. Who says angels aren’t among us!? They are!!!! Thank you for sharing this Angel with so many!!! Peace and prayers!!!

  33. I look forward to each day, hearing, seeing, and being a part of your miracle, Nora!!! Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Continual prayers…
    Leslie Z.

  34. God’s word is spreading like wild fire through Nora’s story! It brings me to tears daily just thinking about how much it has affected people in such amazing ways and how thousands are praying for her. Including myself. God is SO AWESOME! I love you, sweet Nora, Lis, William, Gav, and Greta.

  35. God’s word is spreading like wild fire through Nora’s story! It brings me to tears daily just thinking about how thousands have been touched by this and are praying for Nora. Including myself. God is so AWESOME! I love you Nora, Lis, Wm, Gav and Greta!!

  36. You guys are so amazing and insipiring. I sit here every night reading the post of the day and as always I am brought to tears. They are tears of joy, knowing how Nora has touched so many lives and helped renew faith in so many including myself. God bless you and your family.

  37. My mother-in-law had mentioned you and Nora, she had told me to keep you in my prayers. It didn’t hit me on how real this actually was until I read your blog. You truly are an amazing person. You have gone through an experience that would break most people down. You seem to treasure every single moment you have with your precious baby. I pray for your family. I especially pray for that most beautiful baby girl, Nora. Thank you for sharing your story.

  38. Your family is such a blessing! While reading, I am constantly reminded of Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” Your joy, patience, and faith are awe inspiring.

    Prayers to you from NC!

  39. Our family has committed to praying your family through this. Tonight, we told our five kids (12,9,6,4,1) about God’s beautiful little miracle, Nora. Our oldest kids, in tears, prayed especially for Gavin and Greta. Having had baby siblings born, they understand how hard this must be for them. We promise to keep praying!
    “So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you in my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

    Love, the Barry family

  40. I have been following your blog since the day Nora was born and praying for her. Your story has been so touching and inspiring and Nora has been such a blessing to me. I am currently pregnant with our second child and your family has reminded me how much I need to set my fears aside and trust God with my baby and my family. Thank you so much.

  41. Thank you for your blog. Your daughter is precious. I saw that you are from OH. I am a pediatric PT and have worked with a sweet 8 year old girl from Ohio with Trisomy 18. She is a miracle girl, and though she has some challenges, she brings joy to everyone in her life. I also have friends in VA who are pregnant and carrying a baby who has been diagnosed with Trisomy 18. I know your blog has been an encouragement to them and their family.

  42. I love this little one of yours. Nora’s been talked about in my women’s small group with some of my favorite people, while holding babies in the nursery at church with women I adore, en route to the bus stop in the morning with my daughter, while walking up the stairs to bed at night with my husband and even standing in the kitchen with my own parents while making lunch. Nora’s left tiny little foot prints across our hearts. In her I see the best of our likeness to Christ~how love was meant to be…with no limits no time restraints no conditions…perfectly unconditional.

  43. Found your blog through someone’s link on Facebook. What a beautiful family and precious baby girl! I also wanted to share that we have some friends who have a 5yr old son who has Trisomy 18. They are all miracles, however many seconds or years God gives them! Prayers that He wraps your whole family in His love and peace in the coming days, weeks, and years.

  44. Something equally beautiful and wonderful happened while I viewed you perfect photo diary of Nora’s birth…her life…your beginning:

    I found reaffirmation of my faith in God again on 9/25/11 through the death of an infant, Emma Faye Walgreen, who was one month and one day old. She fought hard against meningitis and lost. Her parents chose faith, have raised awareness and $$ for research,, all in their greatest moment of loss. I have become friends with them since then. Emma united complete strangers through her momma’s prayers and FB page, just as your Nora has. As I looked through your pictures, I cried, but only softly bc I knew the miracle around the corner thanks to your most amazing photographer’s preface…so as I’m looking and crying and praising, Emma’s momma texts me: she’s found out today that she’s pregnant, the day before Emma’s would be 8mo birthday and 2 days before her 7mo angelversarry. I’m certain that your Nora is here for this very reason: faith, hope, love, family. I’m a pediatric occupational therapist. I know the road you likely face. I’m honored to know your story and to include you all in my family’s prayers. Peace, blessings, and hope for many more miracles to come,

  45. I came across your story today because a friend of mine shared it on FB. As someone who was also “given up for dead” by many doctors and who often struggles with our culture’s negative messages about the worth of sick and disabled people, I want to thank you for refusing to take what people called “the easy way out” and choosing to bring Nora into the world. When my mom was pregnant with me 25 years ago many doctors also told her to just “get it over with” and once I was born (@30wks) they said I would not live long and would never see or hear or walk or talk. But here I am. And here, too, is your precious little girl, a prophet if ever I heard of one. However long or short her life on this earth is, she has done more in terms of touching other people and helping them see God’s goodness than many people do in decades. She reminds all of us (including me) that God loves EVERY ONE of us, and that through Him the greatest miracles are possible. May God bless Nora and your whole family now and always. You are in my prayers. Kelly from Pittsburgh

  46. You can add Italy to the list as well. I have known your story before Nora was born through your friend Jenn, and I am in awe with your strength and faith. As I had different problems with my girl, your entries mad me think of her situation, and of how I handled it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story, and your beautiful baby!

  47. This is beautiful and so true! She has changed so many lives. She is the most famous person I know. She is a wonderful blessing… funny how God chose such a tiny little thing to make one REALLY BIG impact! She is wonderful!

  48. Aleisa you are so right…baby Nora Rose is an amazing gift! She and her extraordinary journey are bringing people together with each other and renewing faith in so many. Just yesterday I shared your story with a lady I had just met named Kathy and we clasped hands and said a prayer for Nora together. What an unbelievable opportunity to connect and send strength your way. Please continue to share your words are so very welcome to these ears :). Sending love….sara

  49. So glad you had a good day yesterday and praying for another one today! She really is a gift-it is amazing how such a little person can put things into perspective. God Bless!

  50. Just wanted to let you know I’m praying for your precious miracle Nora and for your family. We’ve lived in a similar situation as yours for 4 1/2 years now. Our little miracle, Abbey, was born in 2007, but we didn’t find out about her Partial Trisomy 13 until she was almost 2 months old. She had “blue moments” as well. We spent a terrifying year not knowing what was going to happen with her. We’d been give the “worst-case scenario” talk because we were basically at that point in her life…….BUT my God was there the entire time, as He is with Nora. Abbey now lives with a G-tube and a tracheotomy, but she lives excellently, despite what her diagnosis said she should do. You’re absolutely right in that God chose your family to bring Nora into. God bless you all and little Nora especially during this time. I’ll be praying for all of you and that God keeps working miracles in your family.

  51. I have no words for this, except to say how beautiful this all really is. Thank you for not only pouring your heart into this blog, but for pouring your heart, soul, and spirit into this little blessing of a life.

  52. Aleisa & William your faith in God has given you the strength to allow Nora to touch so many people. No one knows the weight of the cross of the lose of a child. In August 2005 I felt that weight for my daughter then 19 after a severe head injury. Nora’s story has brought back so many feelings and memories all centering around how powerful Gods love and purpose truly is. Know that you and Nora are in my daily thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your prophet with the world!!!!!!

  53. Dear Nora, we are praying for you and your family! You don’t know us but we think you are a pretty special little lady. Tell your mommy she is one strong mama and my heart goes out to her everyday strength!!!!!

  54. You dont know me, I just saw ur blog through a friend. I have 4 healthy boys and feel blessed everyday. I admire ur decision to continue ur pregnancy and have Nora Rose. God bless u and all ur family. Bless u for not taking ur docs advice. She is beautiful.

  55. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl Nora! Our daughter Abigail was born with Trisomy 18 on July 11th, 2011 and lived for an amazing 118 days. These children have so much to teach us and it doesn’t matter if they are with us for 3 days or 30 years. Continue to soak in all those snuggles, coos, squeaks and live each day! You will be in our prayers and if you are interested in learning more about Abigail her blog is

  56. What a lovely princess and family and story you have to share. I’m so glad I found you and this blog. I am also not one to pray and don’t attend a church or even prescribe to any religion but I feel that Nora was brought to you for a reason and I think there was no other option than to let her be born and to see what she has to offer the world. I think the love and beauty that is right here right now is the most important thing in the world and just enjoy every minute with your beautiful blessing. I will be sending lots of love and thoughts of peace to you and your family.

  57. I am really enjoying reading your incredible story! I wake up every morning eager to turn on the computer to see what’s happening in your lives today. Nora continues to amaze me every day. All the best as you continue on your amazing journey! You’re an inspiration to all.

  58. I’m from just around the corner in Lawrenceburg, IN and got a link from an old college friend. THANK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY for sharing your story! You have blessed so many beyond measure by being open and real with your trials and victory through this miraculous gift of God! He has already used Nora in ways we should all hope to be used! May He continue to bless you, your family, your church family and especially His special gift to you. She is “fearfully and wonderfully made. [Her] soul knows it full-well!” (Psalm 139)

  59. I found the slide show of Nora’s birth through a FB post of a friend. I clicked out of curiosity and as soon as the music began, my three year old, Ada, wanted in on the action. I told her it was pictures of a baby being born. I talked her through the first section of the anticipation in the hospital room and everyone praying for a safe delivery. When the first photo with Nora in it materialized, a smile broke out over her face. It was such a joy to share the miracle of birth with her through the photos. Little did she know, this is a much greater miracle than most. She wanted to watch it again and again, and we prayed for Nora Rose tonight before bed.

    Much love to you and yours as you lean heavy on God in this time. May He sustain you with His grace.

  60. So I sat down tonight and read your entire blog and have to say I am speechless. I cried many times through it and kept thinking what a brave and generous person you are to share your story with all of us. You and your family are so very inspiring ~ what faith you have. I hope I get to meet and hold little Nora Rose soon! You are all in my prayers.
    Love from your neighbor, Eileen

  61. I am so happy for you and your family to share these precious moments with your sweet baby Nora. The “easy way out” would have left you with so many moments, hours, and days that you would not be sharing with so many, who are PRAYING for THIS miracle to continue for a LONG LONG time. we are sending our love and prayers to you and sweet NORA.. Congratulations on following God and not doubting his path for you.. Jenny B. from Ludlow, Kentucky

  62. I Opened my blog account today and I was sure it was to practice writing or something like that, after writing my first blog i looked for others to read, I read one and almost turned my laptop off, only to see yours, and I read a lot, and felt tears but they did not come out then I smiled, because the Lords loving Spirit mirrors through your baby and all I want to do tonight is just pray for your baby and thank God for blessing me by allowing me to read your story. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” is one of my favorite verse, another that comes to mind when looking at your baby is “Gods promise shall not go void till it accomplishes what thou hast sent it” your baby has a Purpose…

  63. hi there…..I was introduced to your blog by a college friend shortly before sweet Nora was born. I’ve been popping in to read your updates, brought to tears many times when reading through your journey….reading your posts are such a tangible reminder of God’s amazing grace, the grace that he gives you moment by moment, to live out fully, all he has called, equipped, and entrusted you to. ….as a previous labor and delivery nurse, who has heard those ‘not compatible with life’ words many times….it never set well with me……..’how do we know, God didn’t make a mistake, he wasn’t looking away when this baby was formed, his ways and plans are so much higher so much greater, I can’t even imagine what he has planned’…… I particularly loved the last line of this post…..“Not compatible with life” … More like “Compatible with many, thousands of lives!” ….oh yeah, THAT’S my God!!!!
    love and prayers to you from Indiana.

  64. Hi,
    A friend of mine shared a link to Melanie’s slideshow of Nora’s birth on facebook. I was so moved, she really captured the day beautifully, then I saw a link to your blog. I spent most of yesterday evening reading from the beginning about this journey that you have been on. What a testimony this little life is. Your story has encouraged me greatly & is such a powerful reminder of the goodness of the Lord. He is so faithful to us & I thank you for sharing. I will keep your sweet family in my prayers & will continue to follow your blog.
    Many blassings,

    Kansas City, Missouri

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