Part 2

I felt that this was deserving of another blog post because it absolutely took my breath away.

Greta had spent the night at home last night so we could all be together as a family and celebrate Nora’s birthday. I brought her back to her dorm up at UC this morning, and wished her luck on her critique today! (She is closing in on her freshman year in DAAP studying Fashion Design.)

When I returned home, I noticed a car parked out in front of our house with a man standing outside of it. He was obviously waiting for someone. Me? I waved hello and pulled into the garage. He stayed standing in front of his car, so I assumed maybe he was here for one of the neighbors, or waiting for someone else? I wasn’t really sure.

I peeked out the front window once I got inside, and THIS IS WHAT I SAW:

41 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GASP!!!! Are you kidding me??? THIS number!!!????? I can’t recall if I’ve “recently” elaborated about this number here in the blog or otherwise — so as a refresher: We. see. this. number. EVERYWHERE. I started seeing it when I was pregnant with Nora. I’d wake up out of my sleep, the digital clock would read 41 after any random hour. It happens regularly when I’m getting out of the shower (that I don’t usually take at any specific time). Or it is the arrival time on GPS, many multiple times a week, sometimes within the same day — way more often than not. It is the time stamp on receipts. It is the dollar or cent amount on receipts — sometimes both. When this first started happening, it kinda freaked me out. I was 39 when Nora was born. My 40’s were on the imminent horizon. “Is something going to happen to me when I’m 41???” I’d worry. June 7, 2014. Yes, I guess you could say so. I shared my 41st birthday with Nora’s funeral and celebration of life — not that I minded. What else was I going to be doing. The coinciding of life and death must take on a beautiful meaning on the other side, whereas down here it does seem a bit cruel. I know of many instances of loved ones, especially babies passing on or around their mother’s or other family members’ birthdays.

Shortly after Nora passed away, I was going through some paperwork from the cemetery. It should have come as no surprise to discover that she was buried in SECTION 41.

One of the most memorable 41 incidents was while I was at one of Gavin’s track meets a few years ago. I took my phone out of my pocket to look at the time. Just as I saw it was 1:41, a boy ran right past me yelling to someone, “NORA!!!!!!!” 🤯

The timing of today’s very blatant “41” was impeccable. AND, If you zoom in on the picture, my friend Maggie pointed out that there are THREE BIRDS (eagles!) at the top of his windshield!

After I collected myself, I went back outside to pull some weeds and maybe talk to this man. At the risk of sounding and looking like a crazy lady (as I still hadn’t showered or bothered to brush my hair) – I had to tell him!

Well… he didn’t speak English. However, he got out Google translate on his phone and explained to me that he was waiting for the rest of his crew and that they were here to work in our backyard. I think he thought I was questioning why he was out front. I got out my Google translate and explained,

He put his hand on his heart and expressed his condolences, and was obviously touched by what I’d shared with him.

I just had to share this sweet incident, and also make mention of the fact that our lilac bushes bloomed yesterday. With the windows opened they are smelling up the whole house with their beautiful fragrance — a dear parallel to Norns who also permeated our house and our hearts with her sweetness.

Here are some other 41s that are worth sharing:

41 … FOR ONE. I love this one so very much!!!
This was on our way up to Michigan one year back when gas was cheap!
A birthday 41!
I just missed the reading of 4:41 arrival with 2:41 hours to go
A heavenly sprinkling!
TRIPLE 41!!!!
Greta found this one in the magazine scraps during a school project. A magazine cover from Spring / Summer of 2012 (when Nora was born) featuring the Mackinac Bridge (the bridge to our favorite place) – and 41 Warm Weather Getaways!!

I wish I could share all of them, but I realize don’t nobody have time for that. There are literally thousands of photos!!

That’s all! 😆 Much love! 💗

6 thoughts on “Part 2

  1. Love this!!

    My time is 1:11, or 11:11…. it’s WILD… I’m not sure what it means yet but it’s so often, I feel it has to be SOMETHING. Love to you!! ❤ And Nora!

  2. She certainly is always with you! As tears pour down my face I have such chills thinking of all the ways she reveals herself to you. Thank you for sharing! ❤️

  3. I literally just saw this post on Facebook this week –

    In the Bible, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
    Day 41 came and the rain stopped.

    Moses committed murder & hid in the desert for 40 years.
    Year 41 came, and God called him to help rescue Israel.

    Moses went up on the mountain for 40 days.
    On day 41, he received the Ten Commandments.

    The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.
    Year 41, they walked into the Promised Land.

    Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days.
    Day 41 came, and David slew him.

    Jonah preached a message of repentance to Ninevah for 40 days.
    On day 41, God stopped His plan to destroy them.

    Jesus fasted and was tempted for 40 days.
    Day 41, and the devil fled.

    After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days.
    On day 41, He ascended into Heaven.

    All this to say…don’t quit. The rain will stop, the giant will fall, and you will enter your “promised land.” Don’t give up at 40.

    41 is coming.

    Credit: McKenzie Miller

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